Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 1

Favorite member of Green Day:

Ok, so obviously I love every single one of them to death...but, as everyone in my life also knows. Billie Joe Armstrong rocks my fuckin world ha. Heres why.

The man is a lyrical genius, the way he uses words so powerfully. He can be so menacing with songs like Platypus and Christians Inferno. Then. He writes something breathtakingly beautiful like Last Night on Earth where it literally brings me to tears at times. He doesnt just write songs. He writes anthems. Soul searching, informative, and still heartbreaking and beautiful. I dont know where he comes up with it all, being nearly the sole writer of every damn song. His words are like my bible. I believe in them, live through them, and apply them. Green Day is after all like a religion to me. Theres something in the way he writes that makes everything else in my world stop momentarily. When Im listening to Green Day everything makes sense.

Moving on to more reasons hes my favorite though.

The man is so fuckin talented its insane. Sometimes his voice is soft as velvet on my ears, while other times he sounds like his vocal chords should be ripped to pieces. It gives me chills when he sings...and brings me to tears. He plays guitar, drums, bass, sax, harmonica, mandolin, xzylephone, piano and probably other things unknown to the world. Its amazing to watch him play the guitar. He hits chords so hard and has so much skill that people dont even know about. Because he doesnt whip out a guitar solo in every damn song to show it off. But the man can fuckin play, which considering his massively impressive guitar collection would you expect anything else?

Hes an amazing performer as well, he definately delivers. The way he interacts with the crowd and brings so many fucking people on stage. He has a trust in us to not go Mark David Chapman on him, which sometimes terrifies the shit out of me. And when I saw that a fan had tripped Billie in the stands during Know Your Enemy...I got so scared. What would have happened if he wouldnt have just tripped him and busted his elbow and guitar? How he can trust his fans so much...I dont know, but I appreciate it. And he makes it impossible not to participate in the Hey Ohs and arm waving, or jumping and screaming. Im tellin ya, never pass up a Green Day show...there are no bad seats. And he cares so much that we have fun but not get hurt. Like in Toronto some fan punched a younger kid in the pit. Billie got him pulled out, but before security got there the kid flipped him Billie spit on him. It was awesome.

Hes so dedicated. I think if he wouldnt be married to Adrienne I wouldnt be as attracted to him. The way he talks about her is so fuckin romantic. And if he didnt have her and his two boys, he would probably be the stereotypical rock star with groupies and a different chick on his arm at every award show. But he isnt. Hes grounded and down to earth because of her, and I have realized this. Its part of the respect I have for him as a human being. But its not just Adrienne, when I see the relationship he has with Mike its makes me smile. They are so unbelievably close and adorable. I like watching them play together and just act like their playing in the studio together. Nothing between them has changed. Still two eleven year olds playing music and being best friends. And its painfully obvious hes a wonderful father. The way he talks about Joey and Jakob...and how he acts with kids on stage.

Obviously its no secret the mans attractive but...if you seriously look at him. Its unbelievable. His green eyes are such a lovely shade I couldnt stop staring at them when I met him. His hair is still thick and curly but the colors he dyes it gives him different looks. His fore arms are literally the best Ive ever seen and thats saying alot. I love how short he is especially when hes running back and forth all night on a stage and all you see is this little zip of black light go by. I swear his nose is near perfectly straight. His teeth used to be soooo bad, now their fixed kind of because hes chipped his teeth so many times on mics. The crooked smile adds to his charm. Hes fuckin hilarious and when he laughs at his own jokes it just makes it even better because his laugh is even cute. The tattoos are always hot. The way he dresses is always so casual until hes on stage. But he still dresses like a rock star...but with old clothes. Its like he doesnt buy any new clothes ever. Its kind of funny though. Just goes to show all famous people arent conceited assholes. Hes sincere and such a nice guy, but still out of his god damn mind in a good way. But damn. Theres something about that man smoking a cigarette that I just cant deny.Plus...the man can fuckin fly its official.

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