Thursday, December 3, 2009

You're the one who looked right through me.

I think the reason I enjoy journalism the most is because Im so used to people ignoring me in class...or not being good at the work.

Theres no tests. I think that may be another reason.

When I was walking out of the class I realized this.

People add me on facebook, and Ive never spoken to them...granted I do the same but thats just cause their usually cooler than I am and everyone has heard of them.

Anyways, is it weird to see me in the hallway and not know me?

Another reason I thought of this is because my Person Place and Song is going to be in Serendipity and the people who actually read it will probably be bored to tears...BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW ME.

They dont know my style. tone of voice. sarcasm. anything.

How many people do know me.

Or recognize me. I know when I see people in the hall, I start asking myself questions about them.

But do people even see me?

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