Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Whisky shots & cheap cigarettes

I have 250 Green Day songs on my Itunes.
You know how many I have on my Ipod? Zero.
Fuck Technology
Fuck being sick.

Friday I got sick. It was miserable to deal with, but I got to miss school today.
If I wasn't sleeping I was watching Bullet in a Bible.
Ive decided I always loved it, and if given the chance I will talk about it for hours on end.
If you haven't noticed I'm on another Green Day kick as of lately.

I take the SAT's on Saturday and I couldn't be more terrified.
What if I do terrible? There goes my future...or any hopes I had of getting one.

Then on the 11th I leave for New York until the 15th.
Without my damn ipod may I add. If its not fixed by then I'm calling when I get home and demanding a god damn new one...those son of a bitches.
So, I think I'm going to see Hair while I'm there. I refuse to see Shrek.
I saw Monty Python last year.
The only other one that we might check out is Wicked...so well see.
I'm so excited to go back.
Ive been wanting to go back since I left and now I get to do all the things I didn't get to do last time. And Ill get to explore Central Park a little more, and shop more.

I pretty certain I cant hang out with Tim ever. Mainly because I have this fear he'll ask questions about why I broke it off when we moved here.
I don't want to deal with that...I mean, in all honesty, nothing ever really happened there besides awkward hand holding you usually see in Jr. High.

Christian and I are on 11 months now, that blows my mind.
I never thought it was going to last this long but then again looking back I don't know how it wouldn't have. Its a euphoric but fantastic feeling to be with him.

There's just some people I will always hate. Weather I have a reason or not, its just going to happen. So when I sign onto facebook, the last thing I want to see is some bullshit about them to get me all angry.
Sometimes I debate on deleting my facebook all together, usually brings me nothing but annoyance.

As God as my witness
The infidels are gonna pay


  1. Go see hair. it's amazing. you'll probably like it better than wicked.
    My iPod broke too. they're all pieces of shit.
    Don't be sick. Be well. alright? okay good.

  2. eee, New York. have fun, that'll be awesome :)
