Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So you ask me what I want this year.

Im in art history right now...Ross is singing to Christmas music. It actually kind of makes me happy. The woman is actually decent this year.

Anyway. Friday Drew and I rode the boys bus home and we hung out there for a little. Originally Christian and I were going to go see the Dave Matthews "movie" concert in 3-D...but it turns out it wasnt there. So we sat through 3 long hours of avatar. Seth and drew apparently ran around Barnes and Noble and the mall and stuff, then came to pick us up. We went back to the Jonczaks for our coats and hats. Then we drove over to Overlies and saw a penis bow(?) a farmer making inappropriate motions, and a cow that was hot for santa. It was cold but the bon fire was nice.
Drew and I said we were going to go sit on santas lap but, he looked creeper esque so we just squeeked by behind a baby.

Then Saturday I woke up to massive amounts of snow, more falling, and an empty house. I watched a few hours of mindless tv...because the remote was on my dresser.
Christian came over at 10 30 and we snuggled down on the couch, turned on the tree lights, and watched Christmas movies.
We watched the Holiday cus its cute. Elf where we both ended up falling asleep. And A Christmas Story, just cus its a classic. Ha.
Then we exchanged gifts. He got me Horton a stuffed elephant. SOOOOO soft. A punk compilation that kicks ass. And Green Day International Superhits on vinyl. Which. I cant wait to listen to. We ate tacos then went upstairs and just talked and watched some tv. It was really nice.

Sunday my dads jackass friends, their wives, and kids were in my basement for the Steeler game. So I decided to shower up and go see Christian play indoor soccer. It was pretty fun driving up.

Tomorrow I hope I get to go over to Christians to take a walk on the path we went on last winter. Its so nice back there. Well probably play COD after that for training ha.

sometimes...lifes good.

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