Wednesday, April 28, 2010

For I am the Caesar,I'm gonna seize the day.

Ive been feeling a little guilty lately. Because for the first time in 16 months, I am having little crush- like thoughts about someone who isn't Christian. Its been a month. It doesn't feel like a month, by any means necessary. Anyways, its not like he cares.
But to be perfectly honest I don't particularly care anymore. I'll graduate, pull my shit together and leave this frozen wasteland of a place for somewhere warm.With a beach. And actual atmosphere I want to be around.

Yeah, Ive got California on the brain lately. Even to the extent of looking at colleges out there.
I'm not really sure yet though. Maybe New York...if I'm willing to give up the warm and beachy parts of my dream.
Music makes me happy again, and I'm really glad. For a while there it felt like I wasn't going to be able to recover there.Billie Joe. He makes me happy, so I'm going to focus on him. I used to in...7th grade or whatever. And I was single then too. But I was still happy. And simple. So I'm going back to that. Fuck everything else.

I should probably start coming to school again and doing my work in class and out may help a little too.
By the way, Guidance Office: Thank you for all your overwhelming guidance, I'm glad every time I come in to talk to you...your never there and don't get back to me about an appointment. Let me tell ya, wed all be lost without you.

My dad and I kind of had a heart to heart the other night while practicing my parking. He was telling me I have to live my life and be my own person.And that I have real potential, and if I focus on something he knows Ill get there. Normally I would say that's a corny speech, but coming from him...he never says stuff like that. Then he went on to say how he would have my back, that he would get me where ever it is I need to be, so I can be successful. It was strange in a nice, sort of way.

Ive decided what tattoo I'm going to get,since I love my other one to death. I think Ill get it between coming back from Maui and going to Buffalo to see Green Day. Maybe I didn't blog about that? Yeah August 5th my mom said if I did the work she would drive me. Were driving 4 hours. Staying 2 nights, [technically] three days in an un reviewed hotel. And I have a general admission ticket, and my mom has a section 1 seat. We get shit done. For real. I'll probably be one of the first people in line again. Im stoked.
Anyways. Tattoo in the two weeks between those events sounds like a good plan.


  1. What's the tattoo going to be?

  2. yes yes whats the new tattoo? and who's this new crush?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the crush is classified dearies. And I dont know where I want the tattoo yet, so when I figure it out, Ill reveal it. ha.
