Sunday, May 31, 2009

Without you it’s a waste of time.

Yesterday I was forced into going to my great uncle and great aunts 50th anniversary.
I felt like a terrible person because I respected their marriage but didn't know them well enough to be there I thought.
So we went to the church where they'd gotten married, they renewed their vows, and we went to a dinning hall to listen to stories about when they first met and ate massive amounts of food.

When we got there was when I really started to watch them.
I looked at his eyes when he looked at her and I could see how in love he was.
I watched her smile and blush a little when he would lean in and peck her on the lips.
The story of when they met made me get tears in my eyes.

[I saw my future if Id ever have this.]

She remembered every little detail of how they met, and what he was wearing, and what they talked about.
When she talked about their first date she got excited and kept jumping ahead in the story.
He teared up quite a bit as well, and when the story was over they sat there contently.
I would have put money on it the memory was going through both of their heads.

I realized I want this.
I want to spend my life with someone that I unconditionally love with all of my heart.
And know they feel the same.
They have actually achieved true love.
I hope I'm lucky enough to find it someday.

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