Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nice Guys Finish Last.

The center of attention
Got an honorable mention once again
Congratulations and salutations
You're a figment of your own imagination
-Green Day

Today I was forced and hearded into the auditorium like cattle to watch people who could give a shit less about my existance be awarded for being cocky son of a bitches.
It made me very pro life.
And when I say pro life, I mean I looked at my academic, artistic, and athletic carreer in shame.
Today was saying, "You, you have failed. These people who walk down the halls and judge you...these are the good people. Be like them."

Im sorry.
That was wrong.
There were a few of my friends who won awards, honorable mentions, and were mentioned in passing for their success.
I clapped for them. I know them.
They are good people.
Brilliant people even.

But pulling up the hockey team and all the brains with their success...made me feel like the shit of the school. Im not gonna lie.
Ive thought about this frequently as it is...I didnt actually need the school to point it out to me as well.

I figured out the inner reason I didnt join softball for the second year in a row.
Its because I feared them.
The starting shortstop on the team was awarded...she was tall and blonde and popular[I could tell by the amount of clapping.]
Then there was me sitting there all slumped over, five foot nothing.
I feared failure in front of a girl I didnt know.

I felt pathetic.
I felt ridiculous.
And now im just ranting and being a Im stopping.
Im closing with something a friend said to sum it all up. He was right.

"Nothing but dicks, pricks and stuck up chicks."

1 comment:

  1. One's place in this world, this wonderful world of demons and angels, cannot be measured by any standard. This is due, in fact, that by measuring someone's life by a standard, you are lieing. No standard can be used when comparing a "life", be it lived or not. Opinions are nothing more than fleeting birds of thought, quick to fly away at the first spook of conflict. I say fuck society, fuck the views that we all collectively agree on, and fuck what is and is not a "opinion". Also, fuck birds, bastard birds.
