Saturday, October 30, 2010

Don't want a nation under the new media.

Contrary to popular belief there really is no such thing as "freedom of press" or really freedom of speech.

I mean the government has their hands in everything, wrapping red tape around every topic. And even if you do know something worth while someone will come along and slap a gag order on you so fast your head would spin so the information wouldnt get out. For fucks sake its such a liability. But, freedom of the press are just words anymore, it only goes so far.
Jon Stewart had the president on his show. And believe me I think Jon is one of the most brilliantly funny guys in the world, and he knows his shit. Hes damn smart. I know for a fact those questions to Obama werent on the fly, he had to submit them so the president would know how to answer them. Granted Obama did a hell of a lot fuckin better then Bush would have, but still. You need to see them first? What dont you know what your plans are for this country? What you stand for and what your hope is for this country? Answer the damn questions from your heart and with your fuckin head. You dont need some speech writing fuck to come up with the answers for you to memorize. Christ.
Now the Green Day fans are divided. Billie said a couple of stupid things during this rant on stage, although there were a couple really great inspiring points in it as well. But point is he said he couldnt wait until Steve Jobs died...okay so he went a little far. But for FUCKS SAKE GET THE FUCK OVER IT!? All those dumb fans posting blogs and forming facebook groups about how he was insane and needed to apologize and how they dont know how to feel about him at the moment? FUCK OFF. You act like its a fuckin surprise ya know! Its Billie Joe hes going to say whatever comes to mind, he kind of lacks filter. As fans we should all know this by now. So shut the fuck up about it and leave it alone. I didnt see any of you complaining when he was in a fit of rage tearing his shirt off? This is just an angry rant, probably because hes sick of people filming his concerts and just went off. But seriously if you were any kind of Green Day fan at all you wouldnt be surprised, youd just say "Oh Billies on a rant again" and shut the fuck up about it. Seriously. I dont agree with him about the death part but im not going to make a big deal about it. Besides, he was right about all the technology. And you can be on facebook/twitter or whatever and believe there should be more to peoples lives than technology and television and game systems. I love my laptop but I dont live behind it and I dont let it desensitize me from reality. That stupid group on facebook "We want a public apology from Billie Joe" should be shut down. Its bullshit and their all whiny little babies. Fuck them. He is still my god damn hero, but you cant have people so high up on a pedestal that they arent allowed to say something a little more extreme. Leave the man the fuck alone, and let it go.

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