Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You thought I was a write off, you better think again.

Ive been driving to school these past couple of days.I'm in love with it. Although I seem to have an overwhelming urge to make a break for it all through my day...that's normal, now I just have a way of getting out.

Today in astronomy Mr. Brandt said, "So, time doesn't exist." [ in his big booming Mr. Brandt voice that I love.] And I nearly lost my mind. Because all through ASP last summer I would tell mousegirl and Sarg that I didn't believe in it, and now it has to be true. Brittany didn't understand my excitement.

I'm in art history right now and in the CSC there is loud Mexican music playing and every once in a while Ill hear an "Olay"...totally forgot today was Cinco De Mayo. In Spanish class I was always a bigger fan of the day of the dead. Go figure.

I'm not going to lie. I'm absolutely terrified of going to prom. I thought I could handle it and tough it out...I just don't know what to expect. I guess that's life. But. At this point I would rather walk out on a battlefield in that dress. I guess I just have to put on my game face and pretend like I am going to war. Hopefully its not as bad as I think. I have no expectations for the night. I told my mom not to come to the Jonczaks for pictures. After I get my hair done I'm going to put on my dress and we'll go up to mammoth by ourselves and take pictures of just me, then shes going to drop me off at their house. I don't want anymore pictures that are just going to make me want to cry.

Adrian asked me in Classic Civ yesterday how I can blog twice a day sometimes. What I write.
I don't understand how people don't get it? Wei used to criticize me saying there was no way I had that much to say, to start a blog. Whatever. It lets me vent.

I honestly dont think I will ever get down from this Green Day high, since I met Billie.

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