Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day

So I just got really...disturbed.
Marissa and I used to be best friends...and I cant remember her middle name for the life of me right now. I feel like a horrible person for forgetting.
Im determined to go to Scottdale and hang out with her soon.

So Valentines day was basically the best one Ive ever had.
I got all dressed up in my white dress. I allowed my mother to CURL MY HAIR! I actually applied some form of make up besides eyeliner.
Christian came over at 1 and brought me a rose. Which was super sweet.
Then we went to Denunzios...where I spilled raviolis on my pretty white dress.
We went to my house and changed into normal people clothes and exchanged gifts. I got him South Park season 1 and a Pink Floyd shirt hes been wanting for a few years.
He got me two really pretty bracelets that I fully intended on wearing everyday. We listened to some music then went to see Valentines Day, that was really cute.
After we went to Target and I bought Pearl Jams new cd, and Christian finally found Slapshot.
We ran over to McDonald's and ate nuggets and fries. He got a vanilla cone, I got a hot fudge sunday to warm up. Then we proceeded back to my place to hang out until he had to leave.

Overall. I was extremely happy. And then on Sunday im going to his house and making us really fancy macaroni and cheese, then going to his soccer game.

Today was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. ahh how is the new Pearl Jam? I haven't heard any of it yet, somehow.

    and I'm glad the day was good :D
