Sunday, January 23, 2011


Theres something about being a die hard fan. It doesnt matter if its to sports, a band, an art form, or whatever. If youre a serious fan of something you have this passion. You can love in the best and worst conditions.
And I dont just mean if your a bandwagon fan, like when their up your all for it but if their down you run the opposite direction.
I am in a couple fandoms. The Pittsburgh Steelers, and Green Day being the most important.
Truth be told if given the choice between the two Id probably choose Green Day but only by a fraction and would end up killing myself without the Steelers. I was a Steeler fan in the Maddox years, and I was a Green Day fan in the "who that 90s band?" years.
Thick and thin. I have black and gold in my veins and Green Day lyrics in my heart, and nothing that could possibly happen will ever change that.
Bandwagon fans drive me up a wall. Especially when one minute their celebrating the superbowl with you and when next season strikes and drama ensues they bail and start talking shit.
When people say, things like Big Ben is an asshole and should have been cut or Hines Ward is my favorite hes so hot, I know your not a real fan and probably know close to nothing about football. If you wear a pink, animal print, or bedazzled girl jersey I know you are not a true Steeler fan.
When people say they like Green Days old stuff better because now they are sellouts, I know you are not a real Green day fan. Or if you say Good Riddance is you and your significant others 'song' you are absolutely, not a Green Day fan. Also if you spell Billies name any of the following ways: Billy Joe, Billie Jo, Billy Jo, or William Joseph you should realize you are not a real Green Day fan.
Theres unspoken rules to a fandom. A Steeler fan under no circumstances must congratulate Patriots, Ravens, Browns,Bengals, or Cowboys fan. You can respect them for being a fan, but you do not abandon the boys. I was personally hurt as a fan when they released Jeff Reed so quickly after all hed done for us, but now we have Suisham. I will love Suisham. Its in the rules.
Tradition, rituals, today I will wear the same jersey, pants socks and underwear I did last Sunday. I will sit in the same spot on the couch with the same blanket. I will eat pizza and breadsticks for dinner. Why? Because we won. And its the playoffs.I fully believe in me doing these things we will win again this week.
There is no feeling in the world quite like finding your fandom family.
When I go to Heinz field and see men with painted black and yellow faces, little kids taking a photo on Chuck Knolls brass knee in front or when we fans need a kick the jumbo tron goes black and Renegade begins to play with images of the sweetest fucking plays of Steeler history...there is only one other thing in the world that makes me feel this way. Where my hands get clamy and my heart rate goes up, I get a little light headed and this overwhelming sense of euphoria and pure love comes over me.
A Green Day atmosphere.
I met my Green Day family in Buffalo. Sitting in a pavilion ordering pizza and making signs for the show as we swaped stories on our experiences, and lives with the boys. I felt so complete, like Id finally gone to a place I was understood. In any type of Green Day atmosphere theres this electricity that runs over my body, but I can feel it with every single person Im with. Its not a singular thing, its a group thing, that the strangers youre with are your family...thats how I feel at least, there are a few who are backstabbing attention whores. But thats in every fandom I suppose.
Either way, I think theres just something special about being a fan that sets you apart from normalcy but puts you where you belong, with your fellow diehards. Its not something you just walk away from if your a true fan, its a stronger hold than that.
And its already well known but Im stating it here for future reference, no one in any way shape or form will ever take the Steeler or Green Day fan out of me.Under no circumstances. If I had to chose between my fandom or true love, Id say I didnt need the love. Because I have true devotion and dedication to my team and heros. Ben Roethlisberger is my QB, and Ill fuckin stand behind him all the way.
Id like to thank Fever Pitch for egging on this rant...Im done torturing you guys now.

1 comment:

  1. I would have sworn I commented on this already, but apparently I did not. wtf. anyway, yes, this. right on, kid. and I really don't understand pink jerseys - why would you want to wear a team shirt that's not in a team's colors? no sense at all.

    fandom communities are the best communities, and that's a fact.
