Thursday, December 2, 2010

A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins

Ive been reading two books simultaneously.

1. Love is a Mixtape
2.Nobody Likes You

Both of these books are dear to my heart. Both are true "biographical" types. I absolutely adore Nobody Likes You. It was where I got my first real hard facts about Green Day. Its crazy in depth and I read it at least twice a year. Love is a Mixtape is quite possibly my favorite book ever. Its so relevant to me and music being a center point of my life. But tonight while waiting to wash out my hair dye I looked a little deeper into some stuff.
They both have stories, Love is a mixtape is much more of a central point whereas Nobody likes you is more of a leading to the main idea. This love life.

Rob had a pathetic love life more or less until he met Renee. He loved her so deeply and they met over a Big Star song (which is so fucking adorable to me I could melt). They went to underground indie shows. She made her own clothes and shopped at bargain stores. They took spontaneous roadtrips and other sappy romantic things I dream about.

Billie had a rocky relationship with Erica for a while. He met Adie on tour, while she had a boyfriend. They would call each other and write letters. Then he met Amanda and she broke his little billie heart. He made a stop in Minnesota next tour just to see Adrienne again. After fucking 4 years she finally dumped the loser and married Billie. Regardless. He was 18 when he met the girl of his dreams, married her at 22 and he stayed with her. Its amazing.

So. What I figured out was its impossible for me to just settle for anyone. I need someone who knows what its like to obsess over a band like I do Green Day and can respect me for it. Someone who will look up when a Replacements song comes on. Or doesnt mind when I get hairdye on the bathroom mirror. I need to find someone to be with that knows what it means to be in love. Love music. And have these perfect flaws.
Good luck right?
Fuck I need to stop reading these two books. Giving me such high hopes. And this is why I set myself up to fall. Because then I think of Christian, and how he was that person. I guess Ill just have to keep trying.

Fuck. I wish I was like Renee or Adrienne. Or maybe im like Billie and Rob in this situation. Find these people that are similar to me but leave me broken hearted then fall head over heals with someone I never thought would look my way. Heres to wishful thinking.


  1. Love is a Mixtaaaaaaaaaaape <33333 (have you read his new book that came out this summer? it's also awesome. not quite as great, but definitely worth it.)

    and hey, Rob didn't meet Renee (who is kind of my hero too) till they were in their early-mid-20s. you've got time, you know.

  2. You know what? I love you so much that you can just keep that copy of Love is a Mixtape. Y'know, the one you were never gonna give back anyway :)
    Dude, some people get lucky and find that person early in life(guilty), and sometimes you'll think you've met that person and it doesn't work out (also guilty) but if you guys didn't work out it just means that there's someone who's a better fit for you out there. Christian may have seemed like that guy (and may have even BEEN that guy for where you were at that point in your life) but at some point you're gonna find someone and look back and think "Wow, this is so much better."
