Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where do we go from here? Turn all the lights down now. Smiling from ear to ear, our breathing has got to loud.

Right now I should be typing up my concert reviews for my graduation project. But I cant focus.
I think a little part of me decided a long time ago the longer I put off this stupid project it will delay the whole presentation, being done with high school process all together.
Ive always said I didn't have a problem with graduation...and I don't.
I just don't know where to go from here, ya know?
I never actually thought Id make it, I thought Id flunk out or something.
But now its time.
My SATs came back. Which was like a slap in the face from reality.
Their decently good. Did above average on everything except math, and in that I did average. So I'm good.
But now theres this stupid aid meeting for college and its really...just overwhelming.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but personally...I don't think Ill make it.
I don't have the patience to work in an office environment. Thatd end up like Office Space.
I cant work with math.
I cant teach.
Im not physically fit enough, or motivated enough to do something healthy.
Im not pretty enough to model.
Not religious enough to be anything in that field.
Not musically inclined enough to play an instrument or work the sound boards.
I could judge people, or go find talent...but lets be honest, im not the type of person who gets their opinions heard.
Whats left?
Theres nothing for me here.
People tell me to write...I dont see it.
Right now the journalism field is up shits creek without a paddle.
Thats stupendous for a fresh high school graduate looking to go to school for it.
I dont have a radio voice or a tv face.
Im just a normal middle class young fuck, looking to make it.
That was about a rant and a half.
So Ill try to end on a high note:
"It's like you have to sift through the darkness to find your place and be that individual you want to be your entire life."
-Billie Joe.


  1. Go into health field dear, big money, and there is a bunch of choices

  2. hah, yeah, there's really nothing I want to do except write and I know I'm not exactly jumping into a thriving industry there. but it's all I want to do, really. so, idk. do what you want to do, without worrying too much about the money, that's the best advice I can give.
