Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Give me something to believe.

I read in a story once that when something important in your life ends, girls usually do
something drastic to change it up.
Well...I cut my hair off.
I hate it but im convincing myself to like it because its something new.
Step on in the list of goals: check.

I made two mix cds a little while back.
Theyll just continue to sit there in the corner of my closet.

I cant sleep lately.
And if by the graces of god that I happen to pass out, I usually wake up around 7 am in a cold sweat.
I think if it happens tonight im going to take a walk.
I honestly dont think itll help, but maybe I'll get somethings straight in my head.

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be ok
Though my skies are turning gray

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