Saturday, July 31, 2010


catcher in the rye
the perks of being a wallflower
the great gatsby
nobody likes you
no one here gets out alive

Those are the books that changed my life...literally.
Conversations, information, facts, feelings and decisions all came from those five books that I feel I wouldnt have obtained anywhere else.

Catcher in the rye taught me alot at the tender age of 13. Id decided on my own it was time for me to read it and asked Sarah for her copy...then when months past and she demanded it back, I bought my own since I was reading it then starting all over again when I was finished. I realized the difference between a reliable author and one that is omnipresent and misleads you. This came in handy in Mr. Crissmans 9th grade english class...I had many live arguments in class about how you cant just take the authors word for it.

The perks of being a wallflower was something I stumbled upon in borders sophmore year. It took me a day and a half to read the whole thing. I dog eared the pages with quotes that blew my mind or tid bits I wanted to remember. Everytime I read it, I cry. I love the questions that stay unanswered. How many times did his aunt molest him? Why did he honestly cry so much? What song made him feel infinate?

Ahh The Great Gatsby. Love, betrayle, shallow emotions. Mrs. Snyder was dead set on ruining the emotions I felt through this book. I think subconciously as a reader you want the character the story is surrounded in to get his way. In this case he was in love with Daisy. Everyone knew she felt something for him to, but it was unspoken. A fleeting love they had but couldnt get back. The entire time you just want them to be together...and in the end your devestated. I always try and imagine what itd feel like to know you were the cause of someones youd live with yourself.

Nobody likes you was a place I really found Green Day. I dont remember buying it or where I got it...all I remember is I read it and took notes while doing so. Sadly Mrs Dicasilo was a bitch and took my notebook in science freshman year and wouldnt allow me to read it in her class anymore. But it just made the information I abosrbed stick that much more. Any good green day fan should own this book. It clears up some of the internet bull shit rumors and gives you straight facts.

However. No one here gets out alive changed my core. I distinctly remember sitting in front of my stereo everyday letting every single doors cd play on repeat while reading it. It made me think about music. It gave me absolute oppinions on the doors. For a while, doing drugs listening to the doors and reading this book was like a match made in hell. It made my brain explode. Jim was around. I knew it. To this day I cant just have a small conversation about them or him in general. Theres so many thoughts and feelings I have about them I cant even put it into words. Jim changed me. Hes up there with Billie Joe on my list of most influencial people in my life. He made my mind become abstract, because along with this book I bought a few of Jims published poem books. Its something you just have to experience.

Sorry I just babbled about books for no reason at all.

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