Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ashtray floors, dirty clothes, and filthy jokes.

Its funny. You don't really know your in god awful pain, until its ripping you to pieces.
Like stitches. Getting them, with the actual needle...doesn't hurt.
Trying to sleep on them, does.

I don't believe that Romeo and Juliet is a true love story. Fucking sue me.
Its not because of my life experiences turning me into a skeptic and nonbeliever.
Its the fact that their fucking martyrs of this superficial love.
martyr - One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.
Its not true. Or real.
They saw each other across a fucking room, saw the other was attractive and what...that's love? No. Sure looks help.
But they were so busy trying to get the opportunity to get to know each other and rebelling against their overbearing parents that they never knew each other. Their cause was rebellion.
It was a face value kind of love.
Im tired of this fight.
Im tired of being exhausted.
Im tired of existence really.
Can I call you back when Im not so fuzzy?
I need something. Real. Timeless.


  1. 1. Romeo and Juliet is bullshit. ask Mrs. Penzera about it sometime. Romeo was seriously kind of an asshat.

    2. way to use one of my favorite songs of all time as your title <33333333333

  2. 1. hes a dumbass for suure.
    2. Im glad someone else appreciates that song :)
