Thursday, September 9, 2010

Call me irresponsible, call me habitual.

I sat in math class seriously thinking  panicking.
What in the fuck am I doing in college? The only real reason I even went in the first place was because my father pressured me. I never thought I would be in a college.
But now Im thinking, whats next after this semester? Im going to have to pick classes...but I need to know what classes to build up my transfer...but where am I transferring to? Should I build up a rep in PA or should I stick to the plan and head west? And if I do head out to Cali or Hawaii where in the fuck am I going to live? Where am I going to get the money to move out there? I dont have a job, nobody is taking my applications dad isnt exactly as content as hed like to be in the finance situation. And where would I go to school, theres no real respectable journalism schools out there from what Ive seen? So is this all just a waste of time. And then theres this interview with the Goo Goo Dolls that gives me a glimmer of hope, but its not like I can walk in to a publication and ask for the shittiest job possible to work my way up without a college degree can I? Doubtful. Extremely doubtful. I will get nowhere without a degree...
What in the fuck am I doing...christ.

1 comment:

  1. here's my take: it's definitely helpful to have a degree, for sure. but publications also look at what you've done in the past - they'd want to see articles you've written and had published, and they'd want to know what kind of things you can do/are willing to do, as far as layout, photo, video, etc. the more things you can do, the better equipped you are. (I sound like Stalls, which is horrifying, but it's true.)

    if you do go out west for school (and I guess this applies to anywhere you'd transfer, really), keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to go to a school with a huge journalism program to get experience. my dad went to Duke, which is not known for journalism at all, and he worked on the newspaper there, and some of the other kids who worked on that paper have gone on to big-time jobs as writers and editors with the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, etc. the degree is important, but it isn't everything if you can still prove that you can do the job. and if you're thinking of moving out for school, definitely look into financial aid to see if you qualify (you probably already know that, but yeah).

    RAMBLE RAMBLE. hopefully some of that was helpful, ahaha.
