Thursday, September 30, 2010

Its comedy & tragedy.

Time to wake up.

After I come home from NYC Im going to be so stressed. I have to get a job, and call the Bulletin about my article, then I have to write the damn thing. I kind of like the stress though. It gives me something to focus on.

So hot teacher man is actually a dick in disguise. My interview with Robbie was late an hour late. So I emailed him at 9 to let him know Id be late, and came to class an hour into it. He was a bitch about it even though I forwarned him. Im starting to really not like him. Hes basically the opposite of Ross. He hovers and looms over us while we work, where she hardly even looked up from her laptop. Its really irritating.

Seriously this couldnt have been planned more perfectly. September more to less sucked, so as a slightly corny Green Day fan I had "Wake me up when September Ends" posted on the outside of my bedroom door. Then, I grovel my way to American Idiot on October 2nd with the help of Cate. Coincidence? I think not. Ya know what, im just lame.

Ginny and I were talking between class today and complaining about how freezing we were.
Me: "Im cold, but I dont want to be that guy, the one who wears a leather jacket around a community college campus, ya know?"
Ginny: "But youd look like George Michael!"

I definately think taking Cate to American Idiot was the right choice. Like, alot of people would be all excited about Billie. Which I so so am, as well as Cate is. But shell apreciate the show as a whole also. Im really anxious to see what shell think of it. OH, by the way. Toniann was walking out of a pizza parlour while looking at her phone, and literally RUNS INTO Billie. Why cant I have her luck!?!

I dont have any money to get a tattoo anymore...its kind of upseting, but I guess Ill just have to wait a little longer.
But yeah. Okay, so things can be okay.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy

Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.Billie Joe shirtless.

On Saturday Im gonna see both new tattoos...when Billie Joe is shirtless

Monday, September 27, 2010

Its St. Jimmy, and thats my name! And dont wear it out!

Train tickets to New York City- $145
Two balcony tickets to American Idiot- $114
One night at the Westin - 12,000 American Express points
Getting to see Billie Joe Armstrong as St. Jimmy - FUCKIN PRICELESS!

Dear Green Day,
Please stop doing amazing things I need to witness. Im flat busted!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Living in the big machine now.

Got my interview set up with the Goo Goo Dolls. The rep from Warner Bros called me today. What the fuck is my life? I have a rep from WB in my phone? Seriously?
I had to email Eli and tell him Id be late for class since its a phone interview. Im still kind of hoping recording it through speaker phone will work. It should work.
Ive run over the questions at least a million times...and I hope there good enough. I would ask my mom to look em over but she said I have to trust my gut and ask what I want. I wish I had someone to read them and be honest. Fuck.
Im nervous as shit. But I need more. I think im going to go down to the Bulletin and maybe see if I could pick up a few articles or something...freelance a bit. I think itd help, and in the meantime Ill stay on the prowl of any interesting bands to interview and find a place to put them. I need to be a journalist. Otherwise I have no path.

"You CANNOT make friends with the rock stars. That's what's important. If you're a rock journalist - first, you will never get paid much. But you will get free records from the record company. And they'll buy you drinks, you'll meet girls, they'll try to fly you places for free, offer you drugs... I know. It sounds great. But they are not your friends. These are people who want you to write sanctimonious stories about the genius of the rock stars, and they will ruin rock and roll and strangle everything we love about it."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I had the blankest year.

My mom offered me something that kind of surprised me. She said if I wanted to take the train to New York with Cate and Mousegirl and see American Idiot sometime in the next couple months shed be okay with it, and that we could get a couple nights in the Westin and go hang in New York. And if my dad says we as a family arent going to NYC im going to see if the two of them would be interested. I think itd be a fuckin blast.

For American Idiots 6th anniversary or birthday or whatever, I layed on my floor for 6 hours and listened to it 6 times the whole way through. Its strange remembering. This. This is what I loved about that song, or oh my god Marissa and I worked so hard to figure out that riff on guitar. Or like, Oh shit, I watched this part on Heart Like a Handgrenade and its probably my favorite part. That night I watched some old tapes I had from when they showed making ofs on Fuse. Then I watched Bullet in a Bible. It is still hands down one of the coolest things ever made in my opinion and I think Brandon Flowers is a big jealous asshole for hatin on it. (See this article from 2006 ) Hes just jealous he didnt play Milton Keynes for 130,000 fans. Anyway. It was just something I knew was appropriate and that somewhere a GDCer was listening with me.

The name Billie spelled B-I-L-L-Y doesnt even seem like a real name to me anymore. Like in my mind the real, true way to spell it is with an -ie at the end.

I went to lunch with my cousin Sarah today and I saw Marissas brother Scott. It was kind of weird because at one point she and I lived at each others houses, and scott and his friends would always judge me and Brittany Myers on our hot level. He was a slob, so I didnt take his words to heart. But still I hate seeing people from my past.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poprocks & Coke.

I decided I want to take Cate and Mouse to the next Green Day show I go to. I know out of my friends their the only ones that will understand how big a deal it is for me to actually bring people with me. I know they'd both be blown away because until you've experienced a show of their magnitude you dont really understand what Im talking about. I just really miss the two of them and want to share something important to me with them. Plus I know Ill get them to the barrier and it'll be something they've never experienced and wont forget.

Like its such a big event and party that gets you all wrapped up that you forget where you are...for me at least. But to me this is a big step. The only person thats seen me truly happy to that extent is Blaine when I met Billie. It kind of is the last shred of who I am, the very core of me comes out when it comes to Green Day. And I only share that last piece if your really close to my heart.

To be totally honest I've seen a lot of shows. I've seen Foo Fighters. Eric Clapton and Roger Daltrey. Paul McCartney! Im going to see The Eagles and Roger Waters. And honestly, Green Day is still the best show to me. And Im not just saying that, its truly different. Their is something about how interactive they are with the crowd, it makes me feel something I cant even put into word. Even my mom said shes never seen a show like that and how intimate it was...and shes seen The fuckin Who! If im being completely honest, Jesus Christ himself could throw a concert and I think Id still be like, "Eh, Green Day was better." Okay yeah theirs alot of people that would get offended by that statement, but know if its coming from me, its true.

For some reason everytime I see how many times ToniAnn has met Green Day I like...dont feel like a good enough fan. Like she went to Cali and did the exact trip I dream of! She went to Pinole and John Swett where Billie went to both high schools. She went to Gilman, and Christie Road. Where Billie had singing lessons and took a photo with his Look For Love tshirt. Tightwad Hill, Stuart and the Ave. She had every meal at Cant Fail Cafe. Adriennes clothing store, the Berkeley Marina. She saw their last two shows in America, including their Homecoming show in San Fran. Shes in official band photos from tour on stage with them! I just feel so pathetic and insignificant, almost like I should be so much better...I just feel down on myself. But then again...shes also met the Jonas Fucks a few times...that kind of makes me want to vomit. I am so envious, I could go to hell right now.

I also decided to nix the idea about the Peacemaker artwork on my side...for now. I think with my tight cash, but exceeding need to get another tattoo dedicated to my boys I have to put that one on the back burner. And instead get "If my memory serves me right, Ill never turn back time" going around my wrist. Obviously it'll be a smaller font and if it still doesn't fit Ill have to cut off the second line...or maybe just get the word "Whatsername" on my inner wrist. Either way. That song has always been one for me that like, reached inside my brain and soul...I dont want to particularly tell what that song has truly done for me. But I think its time to pay homage to that one next. Plus I decided to redesign my Peacemaker tattoo and I have to decide on the perfect location I want to get it, which may take time.

I honestly have no idea where I would be in this moment without Green Day. Its kind of ridiculous.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I met the new neighbors today. I talked to the guy Jason. He still acts like a teenager even though he has three kids, anyway. He was highly surprised at my music taste. When I mentioned going to see Sir Paul, Roger Waters, Eric Clapton and The Eagles he said this, "WOW. Thats really different music taste for someone your age."
I went on to tell him Green Day is my favorite band. How I enjoy going to see musicals on Broadway, and have friends (shout out to Cate btw) that influence me with them and show me how to appreciate them correctly.
He was kind of shocked. He told me how he doesnt know to many kids my age that have that musical taste anymore.

It kind of pissed me off...because its true. My friends are the only ones who are like this. Like in computer concepts we had to organize three bands and three songs. I heard people behind me talking. "I have Journey, Eminem, and T Pain. I cant really think of anyone else"
Are you kidding me? Really? I was sitting there tearing myself up for this simple assignment trying to decide which bands I wanted to choose. And you cant think of anyone else so you add T Pain? Really?

Its going to be impossible to find someone Im compatable with. Because personality is really important to me, but music is just as important. I need to be able to have stimulating musical debates on what Beatles song actually should be number one on some Rolling Stone list. Or which Doors album is better Soft Parade or LA Woman and the greatness that is Jim Morrisons twisted mind. I need someone to understand that when Im listening to Green Day Im having a moment and probably not fully aware of anyone else around, unless were discussing what the song or lyrics means to us in particular. That I like to sit at a musical and analyze what was going through the persons head when they came up with this idea or what the song is actually about or how amazing this persons voice is and wondering what they feel like singing it.
I dont know where Im going to find this person. I suppose that Im just spoiled seeing my parents do things similar to this all my life.
Because the people im stuck with knowing are ones who ask who Paul McCartney is. Or who listen to music but dont listen. Their not captivated by word choice or instrumentals.

I need to go to a music enthusiast class where people meet and discuss music...maybe I should form one of these or something, otherwise I doubt Ill ever come across this.
So basically I suppose Im destined to be married to my music.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Call me irresponsible, call me habitual.

I sat in math class seriously thinking  panicking.
What in the fuck am I doing in college? The only real reason I even went in the first place was because my father pressured me. I never thought I would be in a college.
But now Im thinking, whats next after this semester? Im going to have to pick classes...but I need to know what classes to build up my transfer...but where am I transferring to? Should I build up a rep in PA or should I stick to the plan and head west? And if I do head out to Cali or Hawaii where in the fuck am I going to live? Where am I going to get the money to move out there? I dont have a job, nobody is taking my applications dad isnt exactly as content as hed like to be in the finance situation. And where would I go to school, theres no real respectable journalism schools out there from what Ive seen? So is this all just a waste of time. And then theres this interview with the Goo Goo Dolls that gives me a glimmer of hope, but its not like I can walk in to a publication and ask for the shittiest job possible to work my way up without a college degree can I? Doubtful. Extremely doubtful. I will get nowhere without a degree...
What in the fuck am I doing...christ.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

I got my interview with The Goo Goo Dolls.
But there was a moment where I thought Id lost it.I realized that  WCCC doesnt have a real publication, its just ads from the student body.
So I went into town the next day before emailing Druskys guy back, and I went into The Latrobe Bulletin as a long shot. I never thought anything would come of it.
I talked to the editor, explained I wouldnt expect payment, I was just looking to get it printed.
And he said he would no problem.
Now my interview is going to be in a publication with an 8500 circulation.
I cant believe it. I was so happy and pumped on adrenaline I was tempted to go  to the school and tell Stalls. But I didnt...thank god.

I got on GDC and my status said, "One giant step...Im coming for you boys!" I realized if I ever want to sit down and actually speak to my idols, I have to fuckin start now. And the Goo Goo Dolls arent just some throw away band.

This could seriously happen for me. This could be my way out of here.
I want out of here so bad...and I want to be able to do this...and now, its seems possible.
Could it be possible I could actually pull this shit off?!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I need to go where the cold winds won’t blow
Where I won’t see the leaves change, trees won’t grow
I can’t take thinking of you and all that we’ve been through
When the seasons change

Winter comes and brings the snow
Once went to see the light up show
Laying under a blanket holiday movies on hold
Sipping hot chocolate wrapping presents untold
Don’t want to think about keeping warm
Or little moments in a dim light watching the storm
When the seasons change

Glint of sunlight catch your eye
As we sit on the pool side
Sun tan lotion and a killer burn
Way you look makes my heart yern
Can’t stop thinking of the look on your face
Looking at me with the sun hinting to fall from grace
That’s how we were
When the seasons change

Spring flowers budding out of the ground
Lovely breeze to warm this town
Taking walks and holding hands
Loved showing you were my man
Now I can’t bear to think of that time
Where everything was simple, and new, and in love
Now it’s done were over now
When the seasons change

shitty, I feel.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Something you love about Billie Joe Armstrong:

Okay well basically everything I posted in Day 1's challenge. But a few things I may have forgotten.

He fuckin loves and takes care of his mom. There was an interview with her and she said he and the family come over every Tuesday night for dinner, when hes not touring. She has his first Grammy in the living room. He tries to buy her a new house and new car every year, which of course she refuses.

And his father my god. On September 10th theres going to be a stand up to cancer telethon and Billies performing. I would bet money hell play Wake Me Up When September Ends ya know why? September 10 was the day his father died in 1982 of esaphogial cancer. I really hope he doesnt cry...cus Ill cry. Hes so fuckin strong for doing it, god knows I wouldnt be able to.

Despite being 100% envious, he and Adrienne are a lovely couple like its ridiculous. I know I mentioned this but everytime I see the photo I posted below it just makes me realize how good she is for him, and how there really couldnt be any other way.

In a recent concert he was trying to get more kids in the pit. And security said no. Well fuck. Billie kept saying come on come on, and finally he ripped his guitar off and was like, "What do you need fuckin help? This is my fucking show and I say let em in!" He went to the side stage and told the kids to come in himself. When at least 100 new people came in he stands center stage. "Im Billie Joe Fucking Armstrong, Ill do whatever the fuck I want!"

I love when he fucks something up on stage, it makes him more human. Like he fucked up Longview (!?) and he just laughed and told the audience to sing. Hes not afraid to be really weird or silly. And when he harrasses the little kids after East Jesus Nowhere...its just adorable.

I love everything about him, and nothing and no one is going to change that.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 8

Favorite music video from Nimrod:

This is tough. So heres the tie for first I spose. Nice Guys Finish Last & Hitchin a Ride.

Nice Guys Finish Last is so cool, and funny. I like the fake dialouge of real fans. "Lets Go Billie Joe!" All the guys look awesome and I like when Mike does a slapstick fall, makin fun of how accident prone he is. I just think Nice Guys Finish Last and I...ya know, well always be tight.

Hitchin a Ride is freakin cool. I love Billies silver spraypainted shoes. And when the giants are chasing Mike and Tre, or when Billie tries to fight the one creepy guy. Its all just funny. And their on this treadmill playing, and its just a cool concept wiht the cocktail theme.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 7

Favorite video from Dookie:
When I come around. duh