Saturday, July 24, 2010


In a 16 minute interview, Billie said the word 'ya know' 80 times...and I may have missed some.
It blows my mind that in an interview he rambles with stories. Cant get words out. And stumbles.
But you give him a piece of paper, pencil and say, "tell me how you feel about this" and he will fucking blow you away. Im sorry. If I was asked again I would say it everytime. He is the best songwriter in the world to me.
Some people still dont get it. And maybe they never will. But to make fun of me time after time gets old. You cant beat me down. You wont change my mind. In fact it will just make me try and prove it to you more, and cling to the words he writes more.
Im sorry Im ranting and my past few posts spamming vents have been about Green Day. But every once in a while the power the band has on me surprises me. And it shows me " look. look how this affects you." And this is probably occuring now, because Im traveling to Buffalo to see them on August 5th and I am beyond excited.

If you dont give a fuck this would be a good time to stop reading. Because I plan on rambling on for a little while longer about it.

To be honest this band is all Im really passionate about. I cant even put into good enough words how I feel when I listen to a Green Day song. Its how some people feel about a sport. Or even their religion. I am hopelessly devoted to them. I would support them to my death and Id be damned if I ever pretended that I didnt enjoy one of their songs. If asked its impossible for me to shut up about them. Ive been asked who my favorite band was, and I wouldnt even put it like that. Their my everything. They make my world stop. They put me back together when broken.
People think if I met them Id be a spazz and pass out. Or jump Billie. Or piss myself. And yes, when Billie spoke to me in New York I spent the first song of the broadway show hyperventilating and putting my head between my knees to breath. Everyone laughed around me but I felt like Id been winded. Like everything happened so quickly my brain overloaded.
But if given the chance to speak more than to ask for a picture, I would thank them.
Because at the lowest points in my life. They were the only thing I had to hold onto. I would thank them for saving my life a few years ago. Thank them for making me more aware of the world I would have to go into myself one day, and for not sugar coating it.
There are so many things that people still dont know about me. Things my parents dont know. And nobody really cares or listens when I go on a little Green Day rant. Or tell little weird stories that nobody really focuses on, but if you hold out long enough youll hear how it relates to me. So those who dont care to listen dont know the deepest parts of me that only are remembered through them.
They are much more than a band to me. Fuckin call me obsessed. I dont give a shit. Because if you want to label it, I dont care, whatever makes you feel better or makes it easier for you to judge me.
But do not act better than me because of it. Or think Im insane for feeling such a strong connection to complete strangers. They are there when no one else is. When hes off with his friends, when shes busy with work, when he doesnt "need" me for now, when everyone else doesnt so much forget I exist but doesnt bother to text, Green Day is all that I have
Those strangers kept me breathing. Do not fucking criticize me. Im sick of it.
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

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