Saturday, October 24, 2009

Opportunity of a life time? Yes please!

Alright so Ive come to realize I never really talk anymore, I just...rant or put some sort of lyric to describe how I feel.
So here's whats going down.

I fucking love journalism. And I'm so glad I didn't drop it just because of what everyone told me stallings would be like.
Shes cool, and loves me.

When she tells me Ive done a good job, like on my Person Place Song thing, it makes my day in some twisted way.
I don't know, lately that class has been the highlights. Not because I get gold stars from stalls.
And not because I'm doing well even.

Its because I'm working hard at something I actually want to do. And I can see my future that at one point seemed so out of reach it was ridiculous, is moving closer towards me.
Why you ask?

Mrs Stallings told me to email Drusky Entertainment. So I did.
He emailed me back saying I would be a good one to give passes to and to email this Melissa person.
So I did.
And shes setting up a scheduled meeting with one of the bands on the Taking Back Sunday tour for me to interview, and asked if I wanted photo passes as well

I'm actually proud of myself and the work I'm doing for once. Its a nice little feeling Id like to keep.


  1. i miss you. tell me whats going on in your life

  2. dude that's awesome!! :D I'm glad you're liking journalism and getting to do awesome stuff! I actually really loved that class too, for all that senior year in Serendipity was hell. I was totally supposed to get to interview Bob Dylan but it never actually happened, hahah.
