Thursday, September 17, 2009

Art History strikes again.

Im certain.
Absolutely without a doubt positive
That if I were a cave woman thing, I wouldnt have been good at cave art.
Simply because I was looking at these beautiful pieces that were done in the way backs...and ya know what fuck if they were amazing.
I couldnt do that now with the most hi tech state of the art supplies, and they did it with clay and mud and animal blood.
I wouldnt have made a good cavewoman.
What has my life come to? ha.


  1. haha. I'm pretty sure I would have been a shite cavewoman too, don't worry about it.

  2. those are some badass cave dragons...she must've been, like, the o'keefe of cave ladies. can you imagine how amazing you, me and annie woulda looked as cave women? hahah, i want to draw this image...

  3. lol I love me some cave dragons.
    and damn straight we woulda been bad a cave women. hah

  4. James Orange. haha,

    By the way, you probably wouldn't have made it as a cave woman. Because you wouldn't have wanted to make fire or gather berries. You would have been like 'but I'm tiredddd...I don't wannaaaa...' and you probably would have starved to death. haha
