Saturday, April 11, 2009


Okay, so I love you.

And I think it'd be fantastic if you were right and we actually were together forever. That would be stupendous.
But theres two parts to this.

Part One:

Im crazy in love with you. I never want to let you go and never want you to leave me. I want you to be the first and last person I see. I want to fall asleep on the couch watching movies with you.
A new adventure every day.
I cant imagine being with anyone else. And the thought of you sharing your life with someone else makes me physically ill.
I want you.
I want to be selfish and keep you for myself.

Now comes the hard part.

Part Two:
The practical, logical, not out of my mind in love part. It says that theres no way you can say you want to be with me forever.
You have no idea what the future holds, or who you might meet, even by accident.
Fate has a devilish way of intervening at times. You may think now that I'm all you want.
But someday you might go to the bank and fall madly in love with someone else.
You cant predict the future or who you might encounter.

I wish part two would disappear so I could just enjoy us, no matter if we last 15 more days or our entire lives.
But theres always this nagging sense of time closing in on us and I'm fighting like hell to keep the space around us.
To keep you around.
I don't know, maybe im retarded. Or unstable. Or maybe even unwilling to be loved...unlovable?
But, I don't want to let you go.
Im willing to put up a fight as long as I have to, to keep you.
I promise.

I will fight my heart out for you, always love.

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