Saturday, February 28, 2009

Love is a Mixtape.

Not that long ago one of my best friends gave me a book entitled Love is a Mix tape. I haven't exactly had an immense amount of time to read it, but Ive been picking it up off and on since its been passed to me.
Today I read two chapters.
In the book the main character, Rob [hes kind of introverted. lives his life through his headphones and kind of just sits back and watches the lives of others through his window.] falls in love with a girl name Renee.
I wish I could be her. She is this indie kinda girl but is a music lover. But she has this amazing mind I only have in my dreams.
Although I realize I am a Rob. Sitting back. Idle. Kind of alone.
In the book these quotes literally captivated me : "I could already tell there were things happening deep inside me that were irreversible. Is there any scarier word than irreversible? Its a hiss of a word full of side effects and mutilations. Severe tire damage - no backing up."
"I felt strange things going on inside me, and I knew the these weren't things I would recover from. These were changes that were shaping the way things were going to be, and I wouldn't find out until later. Irreversible. "
I know this feeling. The point of no return in a relationship. You can feel it morph you into something completely different than what you've known yourself to be.
Sometimes its good. Sometimes its heartbreaking. Sometimes its terrible.
But its always life changing.
I just thought it was an ironic and somewhat great time to read this chapter.
At this point in my life at least.


  1. I love that book, and Rob Sheffield in general, more than words can POSSIBLY express.

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :) it's funny, i wish i could be a rob half the time. but i'm not. i adore that book. made me cry like a little girl the first time i read it.
